free public ts³ for everybody
Current Users Online: 1 / 32
§1 Be friendly and respectful towards others and keep communication with other users clean.
§2 All kinds of pornographic, provocative, insulting, racist and / or extreme right-wing expressions Nickname's, avatars and Channel names are prohibited.
§3 The instructions of the staff is to be obeyed.
§4 The mute and / or ignore (block) of the staff members is prohibited.
§5 Playing music is forbidden in public channels.
§6 Recording is not allowed in public channels and is punished with an automatic kick.
§7 Spam (Massive Channel Switching, Change nicknames alot, etc.) is prohibited and may be punished with a temporary ban.
§8 Advertising is not permitted and will be severely punished.
§9 Each Admin can unannounced join in a protected channel or move every individual user to check on you.
You have questions about the rules? No problem, just take contact with us!
By connecting to this server you accept these rules automatically!
The server owner reserves the right to modify according to their own discretion before these rules.
stand: 06.09.2015
If you been banned, write us an e-mail to admin [at] 16bit-gamer [dot] net with your TS³ ID and the reason why we should unban you.